The purpose of this Statement is to inform visitors to the and websites about how MAD-WERK manages their personal data when using the websites and its services, and how users can enforce their privacy rights.
MAD-WERK is committed to protecting the personal and business data of its customers and partners, and attaches great importance to respecting their right to self-determination.
MAD-WERK manages personal and business data confidentially and takes all security, technical, and organizational measures that guarantee the security of these data, in particular unauthorized access, alteration, transmission, disclosure, deletion or destruction, and accidental destruction, damage, and against data becoming inaccessible due to a change in the technique used.
MAD-WERK accepts the terms and conditions set forth in this statement without reservation.
MAD-WERK describes its data management principles below, and presents the expectations it has set for itself and adheres to as a data controller.
Compliance with legislation
MAD-WERK's Data Management Principles, Procedures Developed, and this Privacy Statement are in compliance with applicable laws and conventions, in particular:
• Act CXII. 2011 on Information Self-Determination and Freedom of Information
• Act CLV. 1997 on Consumer Protection
• Act XLVIII. - on the basic conditions and certain limitations of economic advertising (Grt.)
• Act V. 2013 on the Civil Code (Ptk.)
• Fundamental Law of Hungary.
Data Subject: any identified natural person, or person identified directly or indirectly by their personal data
Personal data: data relating to the person concerned, in particular their name, his or her identification details and knowledge of one or more physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identities, and any conclusions drawn from the data regarding the data subject
Consent of the data subject: a voluntary and decisive declaration of the will of the data subject, based on appropriate information and with unambiguous consent to the processing of personal data relating to him or her, wholly or in part
Protest of the data subject: Statement by the person concerned to object to the processing of his / her personal information
Data Controller: a natural or legal person, or an entity without legal personality, which either alone or jointly with others determines the purpose of data management, makes and implements decisions relating to data management (including the equipment used), or implements it with the data processor
Data handling: irrespective of the procedure used, the totality of any operation performed on the data or of the operations, including, in particular, the collection, recording, systematization, storage, alteration, use, querying, transmission, disclosure, coordination or interconnection, blocking, deletion and destruction of the data; the prevention of further use of photos, audio, or video, and the capturing of physical characteristics that can identify the person
Data transmission: making the data available to a specific third party
Disclosure: Making data available to anyone
Data Deletion: making the data unrecognizable in such a way that recovery is no longer possible
Data designation: Providing data with an identifier to distinguish it
Data processing: performing technical tasks related to data management operations, regardless of the method and device used to perform the operations, and the location of the application, provided that the technical task is performed on the data
Data Processor: a natural or legal person or an entity without legal personality that processes data under a contract, including a contract under a provision of the law
Third party: any natural or legal person or organization without legal personality that is not the same as the data subject, data controller or data processor
Personal data breach: unlawful handling or processing of personal data, in particular unauthorized access, alteration, transmission, disclosure, deletion or destruction, and accidental destruction and damage
The range of data handled
Sign up for newsletter
After signing up, it is voluntary that you declare you are over 16 years old. It is the responsibility of the user to provide real data when signing up, so MAD-WERK is not responsible.
When you sign up, MAD-WERK collects and uses the following personal information to send newsletters:
Data User contribution Purpose of data management
Last name Obligatory Identifying the user
First name Obligatory Identifying the user
Email address Obligatory We will send newsletters to this email address
Legal background and legal basis for data handling:
It is based on the voluntary consent of the user.
The background to data management is GDPR, CXII of 2011 on Information Self-Determination and Freedom of Information. Act (Infotv.) and Act XLVIII of 2008 The Law on Advertising is governed by the Advertising Act on the Essential Conditions and Certain Limitations of Economic Advertising Activities.
Purpose of data management:
The purpose of data management is to inform the subscriber about the current news, actions and events of MAD-WERK.
Retention period:
Until the withdrawal of the user.
Contact form
You can initiate online contact with MAD-WERK by completing the contact form on the site. Depending on your question, your data will be forwarded to the appropriate party.
MAD-WERK business services and websites services may be used only by persons over 16 years of age.
Once the contact form is filled in voluntarily, you will fill in the form to confirm that you are over 16 years old. When completing the contact form, it is the user's responsibility to provide real data, and MAD-WERK is therefore not responsible.
When completing the contact form, MAD-WERK collects and uses the following personal information:
Data User contribution Purpose of data management
Name Obligatory Identifying the user
E-mail address Obligatory One possible channel for MAD-WERK's response
Telephone Optional One possible channel for MAD-WERK's response
Legal background and legal basis for data management:
It is based on the voluntary consent of the user.
The background to data management is GDPR, CXII of 2011 on Information Self-Determination and Freedom of Information. Act (Infotv.) and Act XLVIII of 2008 The Law on Advertising is governed by the Advertising Act on the Essential Conditions and Certain Limitations of Economic Advertising Activities.
Purpose of data management:
The purpose of data management is to contact MAD-WERK at the user's request.
Retention period:
The user may ask for the deletion of the data provided in the contact form, by communication with if the purpose limitation of the data management is no longer in place.
As a data controller, MAD-WERK ensures that the security of personal data related to the use of is not compromised, that measures are taken to prevent loss of data, and to prevent unauthorized access.
We will retain it until the consent of the data subject is withdrawn.
Data of the data controller
The data controller of the and web sites is MAD-WERK Ltd. (2060 Bicske,Kanizsai út 12/a), Károly Magyar is the data controller responsible for data protection.
The user may send a registration cancellation request and a cancellation request to the data controller at You may submit the user 's privacy incident notices or personal data protection issues to
Data Processors
MAD-WERK uses external technical support for the operation of and (server operation) from Netszamuráj Kft. (2600, Vác, Naszály utca 18.)
Data processor availability for privacy issues: +36 2040246 MAD-WERK manages the user data related to the use of the website secretly and does not pass it on to any unauthorized third party without the user's consent.
MAD-WERK uses hosting service to operate the website.
Hosting Provider Details: Netszamuráj Kft. (2600, Vác, Naszály utca 18.)
Availability of data processor:
Cookie handling
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small file that comes to your computer when you visit a website.
Cookies have many functions. Among other things, they collect information, note the custom settings of the visitor, and use them for example for using online shopping carts and making it easy for users to use the website in general.
What kind of cookies and for what MAD-WERK use them?
MAD-WERK uses cookies for the following purposes:
• collecting information about how you use the website - which parts of our website you visit or use the most, so we can learn how to provide you with an even better user experience when you visit our site again
• collect anonymized usage and traffic statistics to improve our website
• to make your navigation easier by using the site and its functions, ensuring a seamless user experience.
Absolutely necessary session cookies
These cookies are necessary for users to browse our website, use its function, e.g. including store your actions during a visit.
The validity period of these cookies is limited to your current visit, at the end of the session, or when you close the browser, this type of cookie is automatically deleted from your computer.
Without the use of these cookies, we cannot guarantee the use of our website.
Cookies providing statistics
These cookies are necessary for users to browse our website, use its function, e.g. including store your actions during a visit.
The validity period of these cookies is limited to your current visit, at the end of the session, or when you close the browser, this type of cookie is automatically deleted from your computer.
Without the use of these cookies, we cannot guarantee the use of our website.
Cookies providing statistics
On and, we use Google Analytics cookies to collect information about how our visitors use our website.
Cookies cannot identify you personally (the IP address you are using is only partially recorded), they collect information such as which pages our visitor looked at, what items they clicked on, how many pages were visited, how long each session was viewed, what were the possible error messages - all with the aim of improving our website and improving the user experience.
User and event-level data stored by Google Analytics is not automatically deleted from Analytics servers.
This applies to user and event-level data associated with cookies, user IDs (such as User ID) and ad identifiers (such as DoubleClick cookies, Android ad ID, or Apple Identifier for Advertisers).
For more information about Google Analytics cookies, please click here.
Disable Google Analytics cookies with this tool:
How do you check and disable cookies?
All modern browsers allow you to change the settings for cookies.
Most browsers automatically accept cookies by default, but they can usually be changed to prevent automatic acceptance and offer the option of opting for cookies every time.
Please note that since cookies are designed to facilitate or allow the usability of our website, preventing or deleting the use of cookies may result in our users not being able to use the full functionality of our website, or that the website will operate in a different way.
You can find the cookie settings for the most popular browsers at the following links:
• Google Chrome
• Firefox
• Internet Explorer 11
• Internet Explorer 10
• Safari
You can also download add-ons for each browser, which allows you to disable the cookie on the page.
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